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South Chapel, Woronora Memorial Park

Janet from White Lady Funerals Sutherland introduced me to the family for this funeral service and burial at Woronora Memorial Park. At Funeral Video Australia we can tailor our videography packages to focus on details that are important to families.

The family wanted the service filmed as a keepsake and for family overseas. They chose our Standard Videography Package - 2 camera coverage of the service plus footage captured before and after.

In particular the family wanted to capture certain details so that family overseas could see what the whole day looked like. I filmed plenty of exterior shots of the chapel, the memorial park grounds, and the beautiful flowers with the many messages from family and friends.

As well as the USB keepsake with the high quality video, the family received a private URL link of the video to share with family and friends overseas.

Thanks to White Lady Funerals Sutherland for taking care of the family.

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The video, photo and audio visual team trusted by families & leading funeral directors.

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I have just viewed, and so beautifully filmed. This is so special to have, not only for us but for a great many family members unable to attend, from Europe and Ireland. I was impressed by your complete professionalism and caring nature.

Ann, Wentworth Falls

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